Africa Set to Lead in Global Green Hydrogen Development, Says EIC Report
Africa is set to become a key player in the global green hydrogen market, with 41 projects expected to enter development over the…
Africa is set to become a key player in the global green hydrogen market, with 41 projects expected to enter development over the…
African microgrid company PowerGen Renewable Energy is partnering with a team of international investors to deploy 120 MW of off-g…
New research by LUT University, Finland, and OTH Regensburg, Germany, presents the techno-economic assessment of carbon dioxide re…
The beginning of reelected U.S. president Donald Trump’s second term in office has prompted calls from German government represent…
Clean Energy Associates says it has identified five looming risks to the US battery energy storage industry, as analysts predict s…
Biden Administration Rolls Out $22.92 Billion Loan Commitment to Modernize Energy Grid The Biden administration has made a signifi…
A new Climate Council report claims many Australians are unaware of how far the transition to renewables has progressed and what l…
When it comes to hitting the UK’s net zero targets, size matters. Eight sectors account for around 40% of global greenhouse gas em…
Analysts at Aurora Energy Research expect installed wind and PV capacity in Europe to more than triple by 2050, but expansion migh…
Markus Hoehner and Rajan Kalsotra, CEO and Senior Consultant at the Bonn-based EUPD Research, discuss the growth trajectory, chall…
POSTECH Ushers in a New Era of Clean Hydrogen Production with Microwave Technology An interdisciplinary team at POSTECH, led by Pr…
Feintool and SITEC announce their latest production partnership with industry-leading Swedish coating specialist Impact Coatings A…
Fuel cells offer a form of clean energy across many sectors and are of particular interest in vehicles, where they produce no emis…
As the energy needs of data centers continue to significantly outpace supply, a new report from Bloom Energy (NYSE: BE), a global…
Sales of heat pumps in Germany dropped by almost half (46%) in 2024 but the industry is confident that support mechanisms will qui…
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